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Vrikshasana- The Tree Pose

Vrikshana brings balance to the mind and the body
Vrikshasana- The Tree Pose
  1. Brings balance to the mind and body.
  2. Strengthens thighs, calf muscles, and ankles.
How to do
  1. Stand with a one-foot gap. Lift your left foot to your inner right thigh with the toes facing downwards. The left knee is aligned to the body on the left side.
  2. While inhaling raise both hands above the head into Namaskar mudra and focus on a point at your eye level to maintain the balance.
  3. Continue deep berthing for 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat the same for right the leg.
Who should avoid
  1. Those who are obese or having severe knee pain should avoid this asana.
  2. If you find it difficult to maintain the balance in beginning, take support of a wall.
