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Setubandhasana- The Bridge Pose

How to relieve from back pain? Setubandhasana - The Bridge Pose
Setubandhasana- The Bridge Pose
  1. Improves the flexibility of the spinal column.
  2. Relieves pain in the back and waistline muscles.
  3. Strengthens the muscles of the stomach, thighs, and shoulders.
  4. Stimulates the thyroid gland.
  5. Good for respiratory-related problems.
How to do
  1. Lay flat on the ground.
  2. Fold the knees and bring the heels closer to the hips.
  3. Hold the ankles with respective hands.
  4. While inhaling, with the help of shoulders and feet, lift the body as high as possible. You shouldn’t be able to see your knees.
  5. At the completion of this posture, both hands are parallel to the ground, body weight resting on the feet, shoulders, and head as shown in the picture above.
  6. Remain in the position for a while and settle into your breath.
  7. While exhaling, bring the body to its original position.
