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Marjalasana- The Cat Pose

Marjalasana- The Cat Pose. Improves flexibility of the spine, helps to tone the abdomen, wrist, and knees, relieves neck, back, and waist pain, improves digestion and stretches the chest to open the lungs, extremely good during pregnancy to ease the delivery
Marjalasana- The Cat Pose
  1. Improves flexibility of the spine.
  2. Helps to tone the abdomen, wrist, and knees.
  3. Relieves neck, back, and waist pain.
  4. Improves digestion and stretches the chest to open the lungs.
  5. Extremely good during pregnancy to ease the delivery.
How to do
  1. Stand on all four as shown in the photo by maintaining four fingers gap between the knees. Place your palm on the floor at shoulder level.
  2. Slowly inhale, raise your head, look up, and push your abdomen downwards by creating an arch on the back.
  3. While exhaling does the exact reverse movement of step 2. Turn your head down, look at the floor, and arch the back upwards.
  4. Repeat 10-12 times.
Who should avoid
  1. Those who have severe knee, wrist, or shoulder pains should not do this asana.
