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Halasana- The Plough Pose

A natural way for breathing related problems, Halasana. Here our International Yoga trainer explains to do it step by step Halasana Yoga.
Halasana- The Plough Pose
  1. Enhances blood circulation to the neck and head region.
  2. Rejuvenates the thyroid gland and cerebral nerves center.
  3. Helps reduce and control breathing-related problems.
  4. Helps to control stomach-related problems.
  5. Regulates the menstrual cycle in women.
  6. Relieves back pain and cramps in the hands.
Sarvangasana, Setu Bandhasana
How to do
  1. Do Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose)
  2. While inhaling bring both legs behind the head so that the toes touch the floor.
  3. Drop of the toes so that the top of the toes touch the floor and maintain the legs straight.
  4. Remain in this pose for 30 seconds while breathing naturally.
  5. Take the support of the waist from the hands and return to Sarvangasana.
  6. Slowly come out of the pose and lie flat on the back. Relax.
Who should avoid
  1. Those with high BP, brain-related problems should consult an experienced yoga instructor before practicing.
  2. Those suffering from spinal problems or weak blood vessels in the eyes should not do this asana.
  3. This asana should be avoided during menstruation and pregnancy.
