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Chakrasana- The Wheel Pose

Chakrasana- The Wheel Pose
Literal meaning
Chakra- Wheel, Asana-Pose
Bhujangasana, Setu Bandhasana, Supta Vajrasana
How to do
There are two ways of getting into Chakrasana. Way-1
  1. Stand 1 foot apart, inhale deeply, stretch your hands upward.
  2. While exhaling start bending backward until your hand reaches the floor.
  3. Maintain the pose at least for 20 seconds. Continue your breath.
  1. Lay flat on the back. Fold your legs by maintaining a 1-foot gap. Keep your heels close to the hips.
  2. Fold your hands at the elbows, place the palm downwards just below the shoulders, fingers pointing towards the waist.
  3. While inhaling, with support of hands, waist, and legs, raise your body, arching like a half wheel.
  4. The hands and legs should be as straight as possible.
  5. Hold the position for a while continue deep breathing.
  1. Expands and energizes the lungs.
  2. Strengthens and improves the flexibility of the spine.
  3. Strengthens the vertebral column, shoulders, hands, and legs.
Who should avoid
  1. People with blood pressure issues should avoid this asana.
  2. Those suffering from a hernia should not practice this asana.
  3. People with any problem related to wrists, ankles, knees, or spine should consult an experienced yoga teacher before practicing this asana.


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