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Viparita Karani- Inverted Pose

Viparita Karani- Inverted Pose
  1. Relaxes legs, feet, and hips.
  2. Improves digestion and sleep.
  3. Helps lower stress and anxiety.
  4. Increase blood flow in the head, face, and arms.
  5. Increases venous drainage and boosts blood circulation.
  6. This inverted pose is very good to improve oxygen levels in the body.
How to do
  1. Lay flat on the back, stretch your legs.
  2. Slowly lift your legs up. Support your legs with the help of your hands.
  3. Keep the elbows on the floor and place the palms under the hips making a 45-degree angle from the upper back to the hips.
  4. Stretch your feet at a 45-degree angle from your hips.
  5. Keep your knees straight and toes stretched out and at the same line of your eyes.
  6. Breathe naturally, hold the position for 30 seconds.
  7. Relax and repeat considering your body limits.
Who should avoid
  1. People with severe neck and head pain should avoid this asana.
  2. Those who have frozen shoulders or elbow-related issues should also avoid practicing this asana.


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