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Uttanpadasana- Raised Leg Pose

Uttanpadasana- Raised Leg Pose
  1. It strengthens the abdominal and the back muscles.
  2. This stimulates the nervous system and blood circulation.
  3. Improves the flexibility in leg joints and energizes leg muscles.
  4. This posture helps to reduce the fat around the waistline and thighs.
How to do
  1. Lay flat on the ground resting on the back with both hands kept to the side of the body. The palms facing downwards, touching the ground.
  2. While inhaling, lift both feet together, upwards to form a 30-degree angle to the ground as shown in the picture.
  3. While breathing naturally, hold the position for a few breaths.
  4. While exhaling, bring the feet together to the original position, resting on the ground. 
