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Uttana Mandukasana- Upright Frog Pose

Uttana Mandukasana- Upright Frog Pose
  1. This asana is helpful in backache and cervical pain.
  2. Uttana Mandukasana is helpful in improving diaphragmatic movements and helps to improve lung capacity.
How to do
  1. Sit in Vajrasana.
  2. Keep your knees apart, and heels together (V shape).
  3. Keep the feet backward with soles facing up.
  4. Hips are placed over the soles and toes are kept together.
  5. Keep the spine erect.
  6. Lift your left arm over the head, bend at the elbow, and place the left hand on the right shoulder blade.
  7. Lift your right arm over the head, bend at the elbow, and place the right hand on the left shoulder blade.
  8. Hold the position for a while breathing naturally.
