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Trikonsana- The Triangle Pose

Trikonsana- The Triangle Pose
  1. Strengthens the back and waist muscles.
  2. Stretches the thighs and reduces leg pain.
  3. By stretching back and waist, pains are reduced.
  4. Improves blood circulation in the waist and back muscles.
  5. Stretches and massages the small and large intestine. Reduces intestinal-related problems and constipation.
How to do
  1. Stand with legs 3 feet apart.
  2. Inhale and raise the hands to shoulder level at the side.
  3. Exhale and turn the left foot outward 90 degrees to the body.
  4. Inhale and while exhaling bend to the left side of your body and try to touch left-hand fingers on your left ankle. Keep the right hand stretched up and look at the tip of your right-hand fingers.
  5. Slowly inhale and return to the normal position, now while exhaling repeat on another side.
  6. Repeat 5 times on both sides.
