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Tadasana- Palm-Tree Pose

Is it possible to Strengthens the shoulders, back muscles and calves naturally? Yes. Use Tadasana to Strengthen the shoulders, back muscles and calves.
Tadasana- Palm-Tree Pose
  1. Strengthens the hands and feet.
  2. Relieves pain in the back muscles and calves.
  3. Strengthens the shoulders, back muscles, and ankles.
  4. Stretches the backbone and increases blood circulation.
  5. All the balancing postures help to improve concentration.
How to do
  1. Stand one foot apart, toes facing front.
  2. Interlock the fingers of both hands.
  3. While inhaling slowly turn your palm outer side and stretch your hands up, above the head until your elbows are straight. Lift your heels and try to stand on your toes.
  4. Keep the entire body straight look in front.
  5. Pull your knees and calf muscles while breathing deeply.
  6. Slowly exhale and return to normal position, relaxing your legs, hands, and sight.
  7. Repeat 10-12 times.
  8. On the final count, stay in the stretched position and continue breathing naturally at least 6 times and then relax.
Note If you feel difficulty in maintaining the balance look at any point at your eye level constantly. It will help you to maintain balance.
