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Salabhasana- Locust Pose

Salabhasana- Locust Pose
  1. Reduces fat around the stomach region.
  2. Strengthens the abdominal and waist muscles.
  3. Strengthens the thighs, shoulders, and neck muscles.
How to do
  1. Lay down on the stomach.
  2. Keep the chin touching the ground with the hands stretched to the side of the body.
  3. Keep the feet together with toes pointed outwards.
  4. While inhaling, use the strength of the waist and support from the hands and lift both feet simultaneously upwards to form a 60-degree angle to the ground as shown in the picture.
  5. This enables the movement of both the feet stretching the waistline.
  6. While exhaling brings both legs down back to the ground.
Who should avoid
  1. Those who had recent surgery on the shoulders or abdominal area and back should not perform this asana.
  2. Those suffering from cervical spondylitis should not do this asana.
  3. This asana should not be performed by those pregnant or suffering from a hernia.
