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Pavana Muktasana- Wind-releasing Pose

Pavana Muktasana- Wind-releasing Pose
  1. It is beneficial for those having gastritis problems.
  2. It relieves constipation and bulging of the stomach.
  3. It releases the excess gas from the stomach and intestines.
  4. This asana is good for relieving pain in the spinal cord.
  5. This enhances the “Apana Vayu” and increases the efficiency of the excretory organs.
How to do
  1. Lay flat on the back while keeping the feet together.
  2. While exhaling lift the left leg and fold at the knee. Interlock both the elbows and try to touch the forehead on the knee.
  3. While inhaling, return the bent head and folded leg to the original position.
  4. Repeat this step with another leg.
  5. Finally, do this asana by folding both the knees and hips up as shown in the photo.
