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Paschimottanasana- Forward-bend Pose

Paschimottanasana- Forward-bend Pose
  1. Helps to control diabetes.
  2. Helps to reduce osteoarthritis pains and inflammation.
  3. Increase the appetite and reduces the fat around the waistline.
  4. Helps for the rejuvenation of Kundalini energy at the coccyx plexus.
  5. Stretches and strengthens the back, spinal cord, and muscles in the feet. Improves blood circulation to these areas.
How to do
  1. While sitting, stretch both feet forward and keep them together.
  2. Sit straight.
  3. While inhaling lift both hands up above the head.
  4. While exhaling, bend forward from the hip joint. Bend enabling the chest, stomach, and face to touch the leg. Keep the chin slightly forward and shoulders back to keep a straight back as you bend.
  5. Hold the big toes with index finger and thumb and pull the body down. The elbows should touch the ground at the sides of the knees.
  6. Breathe normally.
  7. While inhaling, raise up and sit back in the original position.
Who should avoid
  1. People with spinal, shoulders, and calf injuries should avoid this asana.
