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Padamasana- The Lotus Pose

Padamasana- The Lotus Pose
  1. Helps to improve concentration.
  2. It’s one of the best meditative postures.
  3. It improves the blood flow in the upper body.
  4. Gives relief from menstrual discomfort and sciatica-related pains.
  5. Padmasana stretches the leg muscles and improves flexibility and functionality.
How to do
  1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front.
  2. Bend the right foot at the knee and place it on the left upper thigh.
  3. Now fold your left leg at the knee and place it on the right upper thigh.
  4. The soles of the feet should be turned up.
  5. Keep your hands relaxed on the respective knees.
  6. Keep your spine and head erect, breathe normally.
