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Mandukasana- Frog Pose

Mandukasana- Frog Pose
  1. Helps to control blood sugar.
  2. It improves blood circulation in the upper body.
  3. It improves appetite and massages the abdominal organs.
  4. This asana is also helpful to soothe head and face muscles.
How to do
  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward keeping them together.
  2. Bend your legs one by one from the knee and sit on the heels (Vajrasana).
  3. Make a fist by touching the thumb at the end of the little finger and then fold the fingers.
  4. Place your hands at the sides of your navel.
  5. While exhaling bend forward, leaning on your thighs. Feel the pressure of your hands in the abdomen.
  6. Try to relax your forehead on the floor, but at the same time if you are unable to do so then respect your body limits and do as it allows you.
  7. Hold the position for a while breathing deeply.
  8. While inhaling, come back to the original position, and relax your hands on the knees.
