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Kati Chakrasana- Standing Spinal-twist Pose

Kati Chakrasana- Standing Spinal-twist Pose
  1. Strengthens the back and waist muscles.
  2. Improves blood circulation in the upper body.
  3. Improves the health of the internal organs and intestines.
  4. Strengthens and energizes the backbone by twisting the backbone.
How to do
  1. Stand 2 feet apart. While inhaling place your right hand on the left shoulder and left hand on the back.
  2. Slowly while exhaling turn to your left as much as you can without moving your feet.
  3. While inhaling come back to the center.
  4. Repeat another side by switching hands.
  5. Repeat both sides 5 times.
Who should avoid
  1. People with severe neck pain should either avoid or practice under the instruction of an experienced yoga teacher.
