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Ardha Chakrasana- Half Wheel Pose

Is it possible to increase eyesight and concentration naturally? Yes. Use Ardha Chakrasana to improve eyesight and concentration.
Ardha Chakrasana- Half Wheel Pose
  1. Boosts heart health.
  2. Improves lung capacity.
  3. Reduces fat around the waistline.
  4. Improves blood circulation in the upper body.
  5. It helps to improve eyesight and concentration.
  6. Tones shoulder and waist, and stretches the abdominal muscles.
How to do
  1. Stand one foot apart, stretch your hands up above the head, inhale. Or you can place your hands on your hips while bending backward.
  2. While exhaling slowly bend backward, without bending your knees.
  3. Hold the position for a few seconds, breathe continuously.
  4. While exhaling return to the original position.
  5. As your body allows, repeat it a few times for the best results.
Who should avoid
  1. People with short breath, and headache should avoid this asana.
  2. Avoid performing Ardha Chakrasana if you have high blood pressure.
  3. Avoid this yoga asana if you’re suffering from neck, spinal or hip injury, ulcers, or hernia.
