Free Consultation For
Hair Donation
Yes! You can donate your hair too.
Did you know that your hair can add a lot of confidence to them who have lost it.
Cancer patients observe drastic hair fall and it drops their confidence too. But you can help them by sharing your beauty.
Your donated hair length is turned into a wig and given to one of the cancer patients as their crown to confidence.
Let's make this change today, let's aware people about it.
Did you know that your hair can add a lot of confidence to them who have lost it.
Cancer patients observe drastic hair fall and it drops their confidence too. But you can help them by sharing your beauty.
Your donated hair length is turned into a wig and given to one of the cancer patients as their crown to confidence.
Let's make this change today, let's aware people about it.
Consult With
Priyanka Goyal
Register Now
A suicidal person is in so much pain that they see no other option than to end their life. To those who are not in the zone of suicidal depression, it’s difficult to understand what drives so many people to end their lives.
Suicide prevention begins with recognizing the signs and taking them seriously. If you think a friend or family member is suicidal, you can help to save a life.
Suicide prevention begins with recognizing the signs and taking them seriously. If you think a friend or family member is suicidal, you can help to save a life.
Consult With
Priyanka Goyal
Register Now
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. It has been rising steadily in the last years due to an increase in urbanization, life expectancy, and the adoption of western lifestyles. If breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate treatment is available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured.
Whether you or a loved one are worried about developing breast cancer, have just been diagnosed, are going through breast cancer treatment, or are trying to stay well after treatment, we are here to help you.
Whether you or a loved one are worried about developing breast cancer, have just been diagnosed, are going through breast cancer treatment, or are trying to stay well after treatment, we are here to help you.
Consult With
Kalpana Sanghaik
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Priyanka Goyal
Priyanka Goyal is an International Yoga Teacher and Social Activist.
She is full of life and love to give directions to those who feel lost in their lives.
She has conducted several yoga workshops for physically handicapped, mentally retarded, and to teach self-defence to women.
At the age of 23 she shaved her head to donate hair to cancer patient.
She has inspired many people for not to end their life and many for hair donation.
She is full of life and love to give directions to those who feel lost in their lives.
She has conducted several yoga workshops for physically handicapped, mentally retarded, and to teach self-defence to women.
At the age of 23 she shaved her head to donate hair to cancer patient.
She has inspired many people for not to end their life and many for hair donation.
Kalpana Sanghaik
Kalpana Sanghaik is highly educated (M. Phil, M.A.) and a social activist from Himachal Pradesh, India.
She is an ocean of positivity and she loves to spread her good vibes with her Jaadu Ki Jhappi (hug) to all those who needs it.
She has done remarkable work to aware people about breast cancer and saved many lives.
She is on this mission for past 10 years and has conducted several workshops all over the country.
She is an ocean of positivity and she loves to spread her good vibes with her Jaadu Ki Jhappi (hug) to all those who needs it.
She has done remarkable work to aware people about breast cancer and saved many lives.
She is on this mission for past 10 years and has conducted several workshops all over the country.